Welcome to New U Life!!

I’m Kelly, a single mom of two amazing kiddos who keep me busy with all of the things! As I age, I was beginning to feel myself slowing down, however, life has me going fast – at all times.

I joined New U Life in January of 2024 after I saw a friend’s success with the products and the business. I knew I couldn’t wait any longer and had to join them.

I started using the Gel and within five days I was sleeping more soundly and waking well rested. I also started using our MLT (drink powder) and within three days, I did NOT crave the sweets and snacks. I stopped drinking multiple sodas (Coca Cola to be exact) and have not looked back!

With the change in cravings and the “magic” of the supplement, I was able to drop 12lbs in 12 weeks.

Not only have I dropped a few pounds, I have also noticed a significant change in my moods and emotions. Overall, I feel more balanced and able to take on each day.

I continue to use these two products consistently, and have added a few others along the way with much success.

I am hooked on these successes for me and will not be stopping any time soon.

Welcome to New U Life, a realm where innovative health meets entrepreneurial freedom! We specialize in offering premium products focused on hormonal health, designed to improve your wellbeing from the inside out.

Our unique line, centered on harnessing the power of natural ingredients, supports a balanced lifestyle for both men and women.

By joining our New U Life family, you benefit from groundbreaking products designed to harmonize and enhance your body’s natural functions.

Our commitment goes beyond offering quality supplements; we provide a path to personal and financial growth, empowering you to be the architect of your own success.

As part of our community, you gain the flexibility to work from anywhere, nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, and create supplemental income that can support your dreams.

Embrace the New U Life journey today and unlock a world where health and opportunity converge.

Flagship Product: SomaDermÆ Gel is a powerful and innovative transdermal blend containing exclusive and proprietary homeopathic ingredients and nutroceuticals. Key ingredients in SomaDermÆ have been demonstrated in independent, third party trials to increase natural growth hormone by up to 800% in healthy volunteers.

With over 40 known benefits – the gel is where to start!

Be sure to check out ALL of the products that New U Life has to offer! (weight loss, brain health, skin care, sunscreen, wrinkle remover, and so much more)

If you would like to hop on a phone call to discuss the products or the business opportunity, please do not hesitate. I can assure you that I can answer all of your questions!

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We have created this directory for moms (and of course dads too!) and hope that you will share it with your friends and we will become your “one stop” search engine.

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