Hi! My name is Dawn Bush, and I am a stylist consultant for Color Street and am very proud to be here to help you. I am very blessed to have this opportunity to work for this company. I want to teach and show you just how wonderful this product is and at a reasonable price. The best part of Color Street is I get to travel and bring it with me.

Let me walk you through the in’s & outs of Color Street!

Color Street has been in business since 2017. We are so proud to be an entrepreneurial opportunity. We offer 100% dry nail polish strips, the company’s first product and big hit! They have expanded their products to offer make-up with more to come. Bonus note, Color Street’s nail strips are made of minimal chemicals (compared to competitive brands) and the make-up line contains natural ingredients, all without testing on animals! We are across the world in countries such as Canada, UK, Germany and more.

I’m excited to introduce and show you how to have salon nails for a fraction of the salon cost. Color Street’s nails can last for 2 weeks or more and you will still have healthy nails. There are great YouTube videos on how to apply the nail strips along with how to use our other products.

Take it from me, I was never a woman that wore nail polish or even make-up. I was a farm and horse girl most of my life. Now, I’m 69 years young and have 3 beautiful daughters. My girls have blessed me with 3 handsome grandsons! I am originally from New Jersey and have now settled down in south west Florida. Becoming a stylist for Color Street has given me the opportunity to explore wearing nail polish, whether in solid colors, glitter, or fun designs. Their make-up products are easy to use and add a little pop to my everyday life.

Please visit my website, Facebook page and my Instagram!

It will be my honor to meet you and help you along your beauty journey.

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