Hi everyone! My name is Nikki Bergstrom, and I am a Silver Founding leader here at Align! I live in Maryland, but originally from Pittsburgh. I am an Occupational Therapist, I have a 23 year old son, and I love to sing. I am sharing with you a Brand New skin care company that just launched in March 2023! I love the culture and design, and community of Align, as well as the amazing products! Founded and financed by women, for ambassadors looking for something “better” and not designed around hustle culture.

I am excited about the products, and even more about the people and community to share them with! European Standards for ingredients, option for fragrance free face products, and body products in four signature scents inspired by the elements. Plus additional products to elevate your luxury skin care spa experience. For those looking for a luxury experience at affordable prices, anti aging in everything (face AND body), the best ingredients that all provide great results (no fillers), in a SIMPLE routine! You don’t need a shelf full of products when you have a few that provide multiple benefits that are soothing and gentle enough for all skin types!

#alignyourskin #alignambassador #PriorityYou

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We have created this directory for moms (and of course dads too!) and hope that you will share it with your friends and we will become your “one stop” search engine.

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