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Hello moms. My name is Kim Stevens. My friends say I’m a little Betty Crocker, a pinch of Martha Stewart and a whole lotta Annie Oakley. I’m a stay-at-home mom of 5 who needed a hobby when all my kids were in school. So, I became a firearm instructor. That was 10 years ago. In the beginning of that journey, I realized many women would not carry a firearm, leaving themselves vulnerable. I happened to have a student in one of my classes introduce me to a direct sales company called Damsel in Defense. I researched it for a few months and decided to join. That was 8 years ago.

I love being an Independent Damsel Pro. Why? Because it is so much more than selling cute sparkly pepper sprays (which happen to be the best on the market). It is teaching others how to protect, prepare and prevent the unthinkable. The business opportunity has blessed me and my family. We have weekly training from corporate. We can earn commission as well as bonuses and incentive trips. So far to date we have rescued 1,500 children from human trafficking and sponsor two “Damsel Houses” in Indonesia and Cambodia, where they receive many services. Each month Damsel chooses a local charity to donate to as well. Being a part of Damsel means a lot to me. Every purchase helps not only my customers, but also our “Damsel Houses”. You can earn hostess rewards for hosting a party. I love helping others and look forward to helping you on your safety journey. We don’t have to be scared if we are prepared!

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We have created this directory for moms (and of course dads too!) and hope that you will share it with your friends and we will become your “one stop” search engine.

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