Here are the items you will need:

  1. Peanut butter cups (snack & miniature sizes)
  2. Chocolate kisses
  3. White chocolate (or candy melts)
  4. White non-pariels

Melt the white chocolate (this is the “glue” that holds each layer together) and put it in a squeeze bottle or Ziploc bag with a tiny cut off corner.

Set up an assembly line …
Tree trunk – upside down miniature PB cup – white chocolate “glue”
1st layer – upside down snack size PB cup – drizzle white chocolate around the edges & sprinkle with non-pariels
2nd layer – upside down miniature PB cup – repeat drizzle & sprinkle
3rd layer – chocolate kiss – repeat drizzle & sprinkle

Each tree requires … 2 miniature PB cups, 1 snack size PB cup & 1 chocolate kiss

Have fun & Enjoy!


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